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  • Writer's picturehae jonh

Christmas Unicorn Tree Lights shirt

Michelle Golden Kate Hewitt Colonialism has its fingers in the pie of native peoples to this day. Long-term effects of Christmas Unicorn Tree Lights shirt of oppression still create inequality because the policies and laws were created to support that power structure. You, as a white woman, do not get to determine when reparations are finished. Tarun Samuel Michelle Golden the Maori came to New Zealand as foreigners and invaders too. And the different tribes were constantly at war and killing each other! Tarun Samuel Phillip Singleton the Germans, Americans even the Gulf Arabs are richer than the Brits. And even in Britain, there are many Asian filthy rich men, richer than the Queen! If the BBC is going, to be honest about this I dont understand why they just dont be honest about European colonization across the planet imperialism and the creation of the modern world as we know it today especially the last 100 years. Phillip Singleton Yvonne Sanders you were never “superior”.



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