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Chingona Como mi Abuela shirt

  1. Patty Mika How about kids having phones that are phones…just phones. I understand why parents want kids to be able to communicate with Chingona Como mi Abuela shirt, but they don’t need all the other garbage that comes with cell phones. They shouldn’t have constant, unsupervised access to social media. period. Chinwe Ugo-Anyanwu Let’s not blame social media or society, if we focus our attention on teaching our children to be kind, compassionate and not to be bullies, they will grow up to be kind and compassionate and loving toward others. Kids’ behaviors these days are appalling and I wonder sometimes if they are actually kids. Susan Newton Chinwe Ugo-Anyanwu I so wish that were true but I’m afraid to even children brought up the way you suggest become bullies.

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  3. Buy this shirt: Chingona Como mi Abuela shirt

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  5. Buy this shirt: Chingona Como mi Abuela shirt

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